Confessions of Jessibelle

The truth hurts. I'm sorry. There's no holding back this time.
If you know me in real life, consider yourself warned.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

How do your mourn the loss of someone you never physically met, but had regular, if not daily contact with? Someone that you may not even know their real name? Someone you shared some of your deepest secrets, fantasies, and hopes with? I wish I knew how to describe the way I feel. I'm used to feeling numb, but this is different. I woke up this morning remembering the news I heard last night. I feel blank. I don't even have the usual groggy 'I don't want to get up feeling'. I don't know what to do with my extra time in the mornings without this person to chat with. Going on like nothing's happened seems so wrong, but what else is there to do? It's not like the people in my 'real life' would even understand this.


Blogger Hoochie Mama said...

We might not be 'real', but we understand...


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