Confessions of Jessibelle

The truth hurts. I'm sorry. There's no holding back this time.
If you know me in real life, consider yourself warned.

Friday, January 05, 2007

Am I asking too much?

Today at work the girls were grilling me on what I want in a guy so they can fix me up. I've decided to compose a list of what I want (in no particular order) and see if I have any takers...

1. must sit on the sofa, scratch himself, drink beer, and burp while watching football.... the catch is, he needs to look good while doing this, I don't want a lazy slob.

2. must be willing to take me to monster truck rallies or mud runs

3. must clean up well for a night out on the town

4. must actually want to attend and enjoy said night out on the town and not bitch about wanting to go home the entire time

5. must be capable of intelligent speech

6. must NOT be a whiny mama's boy

7. must NOT use more hair or skin care products than me

8. tattoos and piercings are a plus, but not required

9. must have a dirty enough mind to make me laugh, but sweet enough to bring home to my mama.

10. must understand or accept my love of black & chrome

11. must understand that just because I sometimes just want to curl up the the corner with a book, doesn't mean I'm pissed off.

12. must be able to fix stuff when it breaks but know when to admit defeat and call a professional

13. not required, but it'd be nice if he was less than 6 feet tall

14. must be able to complete following sentence correctly "Hello, my name is Inigo Montoya,you killed my father, _______ ______ ________!"

15. I have no musical talent, but it'd be nice if the guy could at least play an acoustic guitar so I could kick back with a beer and listen to him jam.


17. must like to go fishing... and be willing to take my fish off the hook.... I can't stand to touch the slimy lil fuckers.

18. must understand that the world revolves around me, but also has a life outside of me as well

19. must have skills... yeah THOSE kind of skills...

20. must not be clingy and possesive


Blogger Becky68 said...

Here from Micheles,
Wow, you don't want much! If you find that perfect guy let me know if he has an older brother!

Blogger Michael K. Althouse said...

That sounds reasonable enough... Alas, if that's all it took ~

Michele sends her best,


Blogger Jean-Luc Picard said...

That's a tough list to follow!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I got most of them right..almost!
Good luck.

Blogger Fermus said...

Couple of them we need to talk about but as a show of good faith.....

You killed my father "prepare to die"

And I can play the basslines OR the acoustic part (as long as it's really easy) :)


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