Confessions of Jessibelle

The truth hurts. I'm sorry. There's no holding back this time.
If you know me in real life, consider yourself warned.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Work in progress...

The only person that I can hold acountable for my happiness is ME. I am going to list my happy moments until I find the common demoninator. It is my goal to not only have a happy past, but a happy present and future as well. Here goes... in no particular order....

*sitting on a log by the bonfire roasting marshmallows with my family after Aunt Bobby's funeral.

*when I made it to the top of the lighthouse and looked down.

*when I passed my PTCB exam

*the first time I hit the bullseye on the target

*roasting marshmallows with my nephews after Grandma's funeral

*the look on Quentin's face when he opened his Star Wars Holiday Special bootleg for Christmas

*finishing a good book

*running up to my grandfather as he was getting off the plane, him reaching down, picking me up and giving me the hug that only a grandfather could give

ok... so I know I've been happier more than that but I have to take a dive in my brain cells.... so far the common things have been fire, marshmallows, and family.


Blogger Jessie said...

your blog is fascinating!
i truly enjoy it!
well feel free to read/comment my posts.
i'd greatly appreciate it.


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