Confessions of Jessibelle

The truth hurts. I'm sorry. There's no holding back this time.
If you know me in real life, consider yourself warned.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Hot Cocoa

I was talking on the phone with a friend of mine while I was making a cup of hot cocoa... Here's part of the conversation:

Me: Ow! Fuck! Son of a Bitch!

Him: What the hell did you do?

Me: I just burned the piss out of my mouth with this damn hot cocoa.

Him: Dumbass. What did you expect?

Me: I stuck my finger in it and it felt fine.

Him: Just because it feels fine when you stick you finger in something, it doesn't mean you should put it in your mouth...


a dirty mind is a horrible thing to waste!


Blogger Rat In A Cage said...

Here I was all these years thinking that was EXACTLY what it meant. I saw your comment at Wisdom's site. I looked through your other blog, too. Lots of hot photos! The one with you reading the book was my favorite, but so many good ones.

As for your previous post, that seems to be the realization many people my age have come to (39). What's the upside anymore?


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