Confessions of Jessibelle

The truth hurts. I'm sorry. There's no holding back this time.
If you know me in real life, consider yourself warned.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Maya Angelou said, "people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."

I never felt as bad as I did the entire time you were a part of my life. I felt worthless. I felt abandoned. I never felt like I was good enough for you. I felt so unloved, and at times even unloveable. I have never felt such darkness, dispair, and failure.

It's not that I wasn't good enough for you, I was TOO good for you. I didn't just support you, I lifted you up and held you in a place of reverence that you had no business even being close to. I am so glad that load has been removed from my shoulders.

It's not that I'm unloveable, it's just that the only person that you are capeable of loving is yourself..

Although the way you went about doing it was rather shitty, you leaving me was the best thing you could have ever done for me. It took a couple weeks for me to see the hint of blue sky behind the gray clouds, but the darkness is finally gone and my life is once again filled with hope and sunshine.


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