Confessions of Jessibelle

The truth hurts. I'm sorry. There's no holding back this time.
If you know me in real life, consider yourself warned.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Books Vs. Men

I'm fairly certain if given the choice between one incredible night of sex and a night of reading an incredible book, I'd choose the book. I'm not always in the mood for sex, but if I'm in the mood to read, the book is there. Hard, ready, and waiting to please. No mess to clean up when I'm done. If I want to, I can skip right to the good part and not have to worry about disappointing anyone. If I decide half-way through, it's just not living up to my expectations, I can put it in the reject pile and not have to worry about anyone's bruised egos. If I decide I want to finish it later, I'm not leaving anyone in a lurch. With a book, you always know before you even start, how big it really is. You can even read a used book and not have to worry about who's had it before you and what disease it might have. A book won't hog the covers and drool on you. It's ok to pass the book on to your best friend or co-worker when you're done with it. You can read a book all night for one night, then never pick it up again, with little to no regret. It's ok to go back and visit an old favorite whenever the mood strikes...

I'm sure this will be continued....


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